Trucking isn’t the easiest profession. Although you get a lot of perks, like being able to travel and have the freedom from a boring nine to five desk job, trucking can come with a couple difficulties as well. Whether you are new to trucking and wondering what challenges to expect, or you’ve had years of experience and are probably familiar with some of these, here are some challenges to highlight so that you can watch out for them on the road.
Archive for July, 2019
Some Common Challenges on the Road
Monday, July 29th, 2019The Average Day of A Truck Driver
Friday, July 26th, 2019Life as a truck driver isn’t for everyone, but for some, it’s the perfect chance to have a career where you’re mostly your own boss. Sure, you’ll have someone to report to, but for most of the day, you’ll be on your own following your own schedule. If you’ve ever considered a job in trucking, you may be curious as to what the average day is like for a long haul trucker. While schedules can vary from person to person, there are some inconsistencies.
Why You Should Get A Dash Cam
Monday, July 15th, 2019When you’ve been trucking for a while, you get so used to driving that it feels second nature. But that doesn’t mean that unexpected things can happen that could even cause an accident. A dash cam, like the name suggests, is simply a camera that you keep on the dashboard. It is designed to keep a record of what is going on while you’re on the road. Here are a few ways that a dash cam can have your back as a trucker.Â
Self-Defense Tips for Truckers
Monday, July 8th, 2019As a trucker on the road, there are many threats you have to consider: maintenance issues, other drivers, road hazards, and even other humans. Many not-so-well-intentioned people may be inclined to take advantage of the often dark and secluded nature of truck stops. Knowing how to look out for yourself and having plans to keep yourself safe is critical. Today we’ll walk you through a few tips to help keep you safe.Â
Why it’s a Good Idea to Buy Truck Parts
Monday, July 1st, 2019
It can be a lot to think about when you tally up the costs of caring for your truck, especially once you factor in truck parts. But there can actually be a lot of benefits to buying your own truck parts. Here are some good things that you can get out of buying truck parts.