Getting healthy while sitting is easier than you think.
While the trucking lifestyle offers many benefits to truckers, it also presents many challenges to your health. Sitting down all day, unhealthy foods and sporadic exercise patterns can all lead to bigger problems down the road. Here are some tips for overcoming potential health effects from sitting down all day driving trucks!
What’s So Bad About Sitting Down All Day?
Whether you’re in the trucking industry or sitting in a cubicle all day, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to huge health problems. Sedentary behavior is linked to over 35 chronic health conditions and diseases, many of which are directly linked to obesity, bad circulation, and sleep apnea. Truck drivers are at a particularly high risk of developing these things due to the huge amount of time that they spend sitting down. Workers sitting at a desk can always get up and walk around the office, but truckers can’t easily stand up in the middle of driving and walk around!
Adjust Your Seating
Change up the way that you’re sitting in your cab. The frequent vibrations that you feel while driving can hurt your back, neck, and organs over time. Choose seats or seat covers with shock absorption to help reduce the impact of those vibrations on you. If you can’t afford to change your seat or purchase a seat cover, try putting a rolled up towel in the small of your back for additional lumbar support. Adjust your seat height and incline to help your body be at the ideal position.
Stretch Out
Performing regular stretches can help ease the health effects of sitting all day on your body. Perform neck stretches, front stretches, back stretches, and shoulder stretches. The more strength that you have in your core, the more you will be able to stand long periods of sitting without sustaining damage.
Baltimore Freightliner-Western Star for All of Your Trucking Needs
Whether you are looking to upgrade your fleet to tow trucks or simply interested in the latest trucking technology, you can rely on Baltimore Freightliner-Western Star. We have provided top-notch service for the trucking industry for 30 years and would love to assist you in buying a new top-of-the-line truck, finding the specialty parts you need, or repairing your truck. Give us a call toll-free at 800-832-7278 or locally at 410-685-4474, or contact us online. To find out more about what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.